Letter to the editor | Feb. 13, 2017

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Dear Editor,

The family of Evan Willman (1993-2016) wishes to convey our deep appreciation for the Saginaw Valley State University community. Our hearts are full of gratitude when we say many thanks to the faculty and staff, friends and classmates, and rugby teammates for all of the acts of kindness and sympathy. We are truly humbled and amazed at the tremendous amount of condolences and support we have received regarding the passing of our beloved son, grandson, brother, and fiancé.

We are especially grateful for Joshua Stoll and the rest of his occupational therapy cohorts. We love that you continue to honor Evan with potluck breakfasts and Flannel Fridays.

Evan truly loved Saginaw Valley State University. He found a home away from home, and after experiencing the generosity here, it is easy to see why.

We will always remember Evan for his larger than life personality, his big bear hugs, and his wonderfully goofy smile. He will always be a Cardinal.

Thank you,

Robb and Rebecca Willman