Student Association Legislative & External Affairs Director Alyssa Wright has announced that she will be resigning from the Association as both Director and representative, with the resignation taking effect after the House meeting on Monday, April 11.
“My service to this Association extends throughout my collegiate career at Saginaw Valley State University,” Wright’s letter of resignation reads. “Words cannot express how grateful I am for the opportunities and experiences that this Association, and the leadership, have bestowed upon me.”
Despite having only one general assembly meeting left for the year, Wright was facing charges of impeachment from her position as both legislative director and representative.
“I am not resigning due to some faux threat of impeachment,” she said. “I am resigning because the petty, personal politics, which have consumed this Association, hinder my ability to sit in this body in good conscience. It is worth noting that open dialogue in this Association has been stifled, and at no time have I been awarded an opportunity to express these concerns until present. I am not shifting blame. I accept fully the mistakes that I have made, but I am only a single part of this Association and leadership.”
Wright explained that the problem lies greatly with the “petty” politics that the Association suffers from.
“This Association has so much untapped potential and an infinite amount of promise…” she said. “However, I can no longer serve this Association with an honest mind. Our constituents, the student body, deserve to know the petty politics which plague this Association, and how detrimental it is to those who have placed their trust in us as representatives and leaders.”
To Speaker of the House and President-elect Cody McKay, she concluded, “Mr. Speaker, it is with great regret that I recognize that the current Association has not satisfied this mission, and refuses to make the necessary changes in order to be considered a legitimate student government.”