Associate professor of mathematics, Nedeva, passes away at 44

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Associate professor of mathematics Dr. Todorka Nedeva died yesterday, Sept. 19, around noon.

Nedeva joined SVSU in 2005, the same year as current department chair, Tony Crachiola.

“Dora was a kind and giving person,” Crachiola said. “She was a strong role model to many students, particularly many math majors who regularly sought her advice and kept in touch after graduation.

Nedeva’s passing was completely unexpected, Crachiola said. Friday, Nedeva had an unpredictable medical incident that is difficult to survive from.

“She was a brilliant person and very giving of her time,” Crachiola said. “She had many close friends in and outside the math department.”

Nedeva grew up in Bulgaria, before coming to the U.S. for graduate school at the University of Kentucky.

“She had many stories to tell of her experiences which she shared with friends and students,” Crachiola said.

She was active with students both in the classroom and outside it. She regularly coached SVSU students in the annual Putnam mathematics competition.

“It is a notoriously difficult exam, and many students here got to know Dora through her training sessions,” Crachiola said.

During the 2016 fall semester, Nedeva was teaching finite math, intro math analysis and Calculus I.

Nedeva was 44 years old.

The Valley Vanguard will continue to update this story as more information becomes available.

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