“High School Musical,” a movie that has played an unarguably integral role in forming the culture of our generation, just celebrated its 10th anniversary this past week. There to commemorate the occasion were many of the original stars: Vanessa...
January 24th, 2016011Ginger Owen and Vicki VanAmedyn’s art exhibit, “Heritage Habitats,” is on display in the University Art Gallery from now until Feb. 5. The four installation pieces on display focus heavily around concepts of heritage and family trees. The artists used vintage photos to construct works that communicate these deeply rooted...
Around the holidays, it seems like stories of people doing good deeds for others pop up more frequently across social media platforms. Whether the good deed was giving money to the homeless, donating...Campus
Women of SVSU have a new opportunity to come together and support each other as they prepare to enter the professional workplace. Last week, nursing sophomore Jessica Allen posted a message to the...Opinion
I don’t know about all of you, but I am terrible at New Year’s resolutions. To be honest, I usually don’t make them. I used to, but as the years went by and I realized I never really had any...
December 6th, 2015017The sixth annual production of the SVSU Theatre Department’s holiday radio program will take place on Dec. 9 and 10. This year’s performance is “A 1940’s Radio Show - Christmas on the Home Front.” It was adapted for radio teleplay by David Rzeszutek and Ric Roberts, who are co-directors of the play. In the days of...
This past year, freshmen participated in a full-year registration pilot program. It was a big step towards SVSU’s final goal of making this type of registration available to all students. “At...Opinion
When you’re a kid, the holidays are simple. They’re full of excitement, food, presents and family. By Thanksgiving, you know that the only thing standing between you and Santa’s arrival is...Campus
In recent semesters, Saginaw Valley has seen an increase in online/hybrid class opportunities. Because many students work multiple jobs or have extracurricular demands on top of their school...
November 5th, 201509This past Thursday, the on-campus improv group Work ‘N Progress put on their spooktacular Halloween performance, where costumed audience members filled the seats for a night of candy, laughter and fun. Theatre junior Zachery Wood, accounting junior Cameron Pratt, theatre senior Kenny Elmore, theatre freshman Natasha Simone, theatre...