Event to explore mental health issues

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SVSU alumna and public speaker Jackie Krawczak will host a program called “Crushing ED: Eating Disorders and Depression” on Wednesday, Oct. 18, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

The program is free to attend and will take place in the Ryder Center Room 255. It is intended to help people get a better understanding of mental health issues and take action, whether it is themselves or a loved one who is struggling.

“I want to help people realize there’s help and you don’t have to be in that pain all the time,” Krawczak said. “People don’t talk about it, but it definitely exists, on and off college campuses.”

Krawczak, who graduated from SVSU in 2005 with a bachelor’s degree in communication, has struggled with an eating disorder herself for 12 years. She has been a public speaker on these issues for seven years. She is also the president and CEO of the Alpena Area Chamber of Commerce and owns a consulting business called Jackie Krawczak, LLC.

Krawczak encourages anyone to attend the program, because these are universal issues that affect people regardless of gender, age or social status.

“I want people to know this is for everyone, not just for those dealing with these issues,” Krawczak said. “(The program) will have meaning for all those who attend. I tell some very personal and graphic stories, so I think that will help people appreciate how personal these struggles are.”

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