Homecoming Committee meetings coming up

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The Homecoming Committee for 2017 is looking to gain more involvement and ideas from students to bolster the next annual week of homecoming activities.

Upcoming meetings will be held on Tuesday, April 11, and April 17, Monday, and students interested in attending should send an email to .

So far, Homecoming Committee meeting attendance has been low, said Associate Dean for Student Life and Leadership Programs Bryan Crainer.

He said new ideas are being presented at this week’s meetings.

“An institutional goal is for Homecoming to feel more like a university-wide experience – not strictly a Student Life thing,” he said. “So I think students can expect to see other departments and academic colleges getting involved and hosting Homecoming events as well.”

Crainer said to get involved, students simply can up to meetings. He said he would like to see more students attend, as he believes it serves an important function.

“It gives a voice,” he said. “Too often we settle for the way it has always been and fail to look for new and exciting changes to the week. Having a student committee allows for new ideas, things that students experienced at their high schools, or things that they know of other colleges doing.”