Kreiss vs. Haddad: The race for Student Association President

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Sophomore Nancy Haddad and junior Lauren Kreiss are vying for the top spot in Student Association as polls for the Presidential Election open Monday at 7 p.m. and close Friday, March 24, at noon.

Haddad, a communication major and legal philosophy/political science double minor, has never been a member of Student Association, but she sees the uncommon trait working to her advantage.

“I hope that I am able to bring a fresh perspective to the organization, one that will stimulate positive change,” Haddad said. “With my various involvements on campus and the fact that I was born in Jordan, I’m able to relate to a multitude of the student body, including Greek Life members and international students.”

Haddad is involved in many on-campus organizations such as Phi Sigma Sigma, Orientation Programs, Law Club, Foundation Scholars and Moot Court, and she works at the Campus Financial Services Center.

Kreiss, on the other hand, has spent the past two years as a member of Student Association, and she currently serves as Public Information Officer. The business management major, communication minor said that her passion for the university is what ultimately led to her announcing her candidacy.

“What inspired me to run is my love and passion for this school,” she said. “I enjoy the students, the RSOs and the many different opportunities offered at SVSU. By becoming president, I can further my spirit for this school. I can help students in a positive way that will hopefully inspire them to have the same feelings that I do.”

Kreiss also involves herself in Delta Sigma Pi, the College of Business and Management Dean’s Student Advisory Council and women’s rugby.

The annual SA Presidential Debate is scheduled for 6 p.m. Monday in the Thompson Student Activities Room. Both Kreiss and Haddad agreed that listening to one another’s ideas will be a beneficial part of the debate while each try to lay out their key campaign platforms.

“My first platform is to encourage and support the new Nightline bus system that is being implemented this semester,” Kreiss said. “If elected president, I will help encourage the expansion of this weekend bus route if the pilot is successful.”

Kreiss also hopes to lobby for having future election days off.

“My third platform is that I would like SA to focus more externally rather than internally, she said. If elected as president, I would like to extend the offer to all RSOs on campus to collaborate with SA on a multitude of events. Some examples are volunteering, Battle of the Valleys, campus events or through mixers.”

Haddad also broke her top itinerary items into three main pieces. If elected, she would hope to bring Student Defender Programs to campus, work with SVSU administration to limit textbook costs and create an overall sense of inclusion and transparency with the SVSU administration and student body.

“Student Defender Programs allow students to gain representation from trained advocates in university disciplinary matters,” Haddad said. “These matters would include housing disputes, student conduct, grade grievances and other issues on campus. Also, SA would work with SVSU administration to implement a limit on the price of books selected by professors. This is to help ease the ever-rising cost of being a student. My final key platform is inclusion, not just with Student Association itself, but to create a sense of transparency with SVSU administration and our student body.”

Election results will be announced at 12:05 p.m. Friday in Doan 103. Both candidates are confident that it will be their name called at the official announcement.

“What makes me different is that I am relatable,” Kreiss said. “I am a transfer student, I was a commuter, I have lived on campus, I studied abroad, I am in a fraternity and I play rugby for SVSU. Experiencing all these things has allowed me to relate to the multitude of students that attend SVSU. I understand what students want and need because at some point I had those same desires as well. Overall, I am a student just like you, and I want what is best for the students.”

Haddad voiced a similar message.

“I would like the student body to know that I care,” she said. “I care about their concerns, I care about their struggles, and most importantly, I care about their success. I am not in this election to advance my personal agenda but to stand as a voice for the students here at SVSU.”

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