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National spotlight to shine on new stadium

The 2011 season is shaping up to be a season of firsts.

With construction taking place at Wickes Stadium to add synthetic field turf, a new scoreboard and lights, the Cardinals will play all of their home games at night instead of the typical noon kickoffs.

On Oct. 20, Ashland visits SVSU for a primetime showdown that will air on CBS Sports Network. The game is scheduled to begin at 8 p.m. and is the first time either one of the schools will play on national television.

“This is a tremendous honor to be representing SVSU, the GLIAC and Division II in this nationally televised game against Ashland,” said Mike Watson, SVSU Athletic Director. “This game will give us, Ashland … Read More…

July 13, 2011 | Permalink

Opinions open a stream of ideas

Shortly after receiving my first ever opinion article this week, I talked to our editor-in-chief to narrow my focus and to figure out which of my many opinions should take precedence above the rest and be circulated in op-ed form to the Vanguard’s readership.

To Toni’s credit, she did offer me advice for which I’m grateful, but how beneficial it has been to my choice of topic is certainly up for debate. She said to me, “Just write about whatever you want.”

That wasn’t the only thing she said. There was something about how awesome funk music is and how terrible disco music is in comparison. In retrospect, this may have been her subtly, or unwittingly, slipping me a potential … Read More…

July 13, 2011 | Permalink

My life on a microchip? No thanks

Let’s face it: technology has taken over. We spend countless hours in front of our computer screens social networking, doing homework, doing real work, playing games and keeping entertained. I work on a computer at least eight hours a day, followed by a few more hours programming, streaming Netflix to my TV and flipping through digital ebooks. As much as I love classic entertainment elements of entertainment of my old records, my paperback books and my typewriter, there is no escaping the fact that soon our entire lives and everything that defines us will exist on a microchip.

Dr. Gordon Moore, founder of Intel Corp., predicted back in 1965 that every 18 months, the number of transistors that can be … Read More…

July 13, 2011 | Permalink

Real dads not seen on TV

On a rainy Sunday morning in May, I drove more than an hour out to a small church in Sanilac for the morning service. I asked the greeter at the door for an extra bulletin, something I could tuck away to remember this special day. I made my way down the aisle to the pew where my father sat with his sisters, who drove hours from different parts of the state to be with us. Their presence among the regular congregation of about 30 members made the assembly seem larger than usual.

After the scripture reading, sermon and hymns, my father was called forward. Before the assembled members of the branch, the elders of the church ordained him to the … Read More…

July 13, 2011 | Permalink

Glass sculptures decorate Gardens

This summer, art takes us outdoors.

At Dow Gardens, “Art in the Garden 2011” features glass sculptures by Craig Mitchell Smith, an artist who has received national recognition.

His sculptures, based off of the flowers, trees and water-life in the park, use thousands of glass pieces to imitate the look of painted brush strokes.

The sculptures are scattered around the park amidst the flowers and trees of the garden. They are included in all five sections of the park: Stream Walk, Estate Garden, Color Garden, Pineside, and Exploration and Children’s Garden.

One example is “Making a Splash,” a sculpture that looks like water is spurting up out of the pond. Another one, “The Weeping Willow,” mimics the weeping willow tree … Read More…

July 13, 2011 | Permalink

‘SUDS’ musical brings good, “clean” fun

For many, summer is used to re-energize for the ensuing fall semester. For theater professor Ric Roberts and his musical comedy cast, summer is just another opportunity to perfect their craft.

Roberts and the theater department haven’t taken time off for summer in seven years. He said SVSU is the only local theater that is not in the “dark” in the spring and summer months.

This summer’s play is called, “SUDS: The Rocking 60s Musical Opera.”

Opening night is Tuesday, July 26, in the Black Box Theatre. SUDS runs from July 26-31. All shows start at 7:30 p.m. except for Sunday, July 31, which starts at 3 p.m.

The play is about a young teenage girl and two guardian angels … Read More…

July 13, 2011 | Permalink

Summer camps: above the grade

Saginaw Valley might look more like munchkin land than a college campus for the next month as a variety of academic and athletic departments sponsor summer camps for elementary, middle and high school students.

The athletic department is offering clinics for six different sports, allowing area high school students the chance to compete against athletes from other schools that they would normally play.

For those wishing to pursue the fine arts, there are several camps in June and July.

Tracy Thiel, student coordinator for the Cardinals’ Creativity Camp, describes her camp as “a place for creative writers to come and write and meet other creative writers who are just as excited about writing as they are.”

Participants in the camp … Read More…

July 13, 2011 | Permalink

The first rule of book club is…

You don’t talk about book club.

I’m just kidding, of course, since many students have turned into tabookworms who talk about what they read this summer. Some are continuing a series, some are rekindling a long lost love with a title read years ago and others are choosing something entirely new.

As a fellow bookworm, I’ve also chosen some books by Chuck Palahniuk, one being “Rant,” the story of a small town teen who runs an infamous demolition derby in the big city. In the end, his adventure gets him killed in a car crash, but his legend lives on through his friends stories.

Another book I’m reading is “Blink” by Malcolm Gladwell, a psychological look at the splitsecond decisions … Read More…

July 13, 2011 | Permalink

Beat the heat

Now that it is time to sport a bathing suit instead of a snowsuit, you should still be aware of some of the dangers that come with summer.

These dangers may not be obvious but can be preventable if you know how to prepare for them.

James Knight, a physician’s assistant at Bangor Medical Center offered some tips to help beat the heat:


Make sure to drink plenty of water. The Mayo Clinic, a group of nonprofit medical care facilities located across the nation, recommends eight 8-ounce glasses every day.

“On a hot day, hydration is more important than a set standard,” Knight said. “Just drink based on the heat and your level of activity.”

He added that … Read More…

July 13, 2011 | Permalink

Dick Thompson retires from retirement

If Barbara Streisand and Michael Jordan can come out of retirement, so can SVSU’s Dick Thompson.

This summer, Thompson returns to the ombudsman position filled by Burk Foster three years ago after Thompson’s retirement. Foster retired at the end of the Winter 2011 semester.

Thompson was initially rumored to return as an adviser to Student Association, though University Spokesman J.J. Boehm later clarified that in addition to being SA adviser, Thompson would also fill the post of ombudsman.

Thompson said he had been planning to come back since mid-January. Though retired, he remained up to date on campus affairs by keeping in touch with President Eric Gilbertson. Gilbertson mentioned Foster was going to retire when the two saw each other … Read More…

July 13, 2011 | Permalink