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January 30, 2012 | Permalink

Press Start

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January 30, 2012 | Permalink

Adopt “Speak up!” as your mantra if you want to see a difference at SVSU

Vanguard Vision

This week, we covered the major issues students brought up at this month’s President’s Forum.  We couldn’t help but notice that some of these issues, in particular the issues about bandwidth and offices on the first floor of Wickes, were issues we’ve heard before.

Just last semester, we did a story on the difficulties students face in terms of sharing bandwidth.  We also had a Vision about how we hoped that the renovations of Wickes Hall would involve changes in service, too.

So why are we seeing these issues pop again?

We feel that we’re seeing these things continue to show up as concerns because students aren’t speaking up when there’s a problem.  This theme applies to everything … Read More…

January 30, 2012 | Permalink

Making the case for the Space Race

Ever since I was a child, the idea of space exploration has captivated me. Perhaps it has something to do with growing up in the 1980s and seeing flights of the space shuttles Columbia and Challenger.

I was too young to take in all the details of Ronald Reagan’s 1984 State of the Union speech, but I remember being excited at his announcement of plans for an orbiting station in space. A whole generation born before the moon landing felt a spark of the imagination and wonder at the possibilities of the future.

It was this inspiration that led many in my generation to pursue studies in science and engineering. Many of us had dreams of taking a ride to … Read More…

January 30, 2012 | Permalink

A call to action to make SVSU a “green” campus

Did you know that more than 70 percent of SVSU waste material is cardboard? Well, I didn’t.

I find it interesting that the University, although is “going green,” is finding itself at a loss at keeping up with other universities in Michigan when it comes to sustainability.

Did you know that the University of Michigan has had and utilized its recycling program for 20 years? Do you know that it won the fourth annual Recycling Champions competition in conjunction with RecycleMania? I didn’t either.

I understand that SVSU can’t afford to create a recycling program that large.

For one thing, it doesn’t have the manpower.

I do know a few things, though.

I know that SVSU has a Green Cardinal … Read More…

January 30, 2012 | Permalink

Changing ideas about gender

Congratulations, it’s a — a newborn child.

Attempts to raise genderless children are gaining popularity across the world.

Genderless children are either male or female in sex, but are not discouraged from making decisions that have gender roles associated with male or female.

It breaks down the idea of gender roles so children do not fall in gender stereotypes.

A school in Sweden is refraining from using “him” or “her” in class to discourage gender bias. Faculty at the school are mindful of colors, toys and books to cut out gender differentiation.

Often included in this form of child development includes secrecy of a person’s sex.

Two parents chose to reveal the sex of their five-year-old child. Their child, Sasha, … Read More…

January 30, 2012 | Permalink

Gilbertson: university making progress

Like the economy, the state of the University is improving through cautious growth.

The annual State of the University presentation took place Thursday, Jan. 26, in the Malcolm Field Auditorium. President Eric Gilbertson said that the number of students enrolled in 2011-2012 is approximately 10,360 students, a .16 percent  increase from 2010-2011.

Vanguard Photo | Jess Ellison

Last Thursday, President Eric Gilbertson gave his annual State of the University Address. Gilbertson reported that although the state of Michigan reduced funding, the University remains healthy and active.

Also increasing were credit hours that were taught in the school year. The  increase was nearly 2.35 percent, amounting to 118,800.

“I can report to you that the ‘state’ of our University is healthy, … Read More…

January 30, 2012 | Permalink

Unprepared students catch Snyder’s eye

Can one test determine if a student will sink or swim at college?

In his recent state of the state address, Gov. Rick Snyder highlighted a study that said 17 percent of high school students fall into the category of being “college ready,” as based upon ACT scores.

College readiness is determined by comparing ACT scores in each subject to students’ grades in freshmen level college courses.

For example, if a student meets or exceeds the benchmark score on the math portion of the ACT, he or she has a 50 percent chance of receiving a “B” in the college course.

As scores dwindle, so does the individual’s rate of success.

But without ACT scores, universities have few benchmarks they … Read More…

January 30, 2012 | Permalink

Area employers seek student talent

Many students use internships and summer jobs to gain experience prior to graduation.

Last week, students attended the Summer Job and Internship Fair in the Rotunda next to the Student Life to find that edge.

Vanguard Photo | Tyler Bradley

Lonnie Orr, communications sophomore, talks with representatives from 100.9 FM, a local ES PN station and the Great Lakes Loons, Midland’s minor league baseball team.

A large turnout of local businesses attended the job fair. Many businesses were looking for particular characteristics in students, such as having a positive attitude or being a hard worker.

Angela Faulkner, a store manager at The Home Depot, said students who could manage themselves well were ideal.

“We’re looking for students with good management … Read More…

January 30, 2012 | Permalink

Foundation eases college financial burden

It’s the time of year where students must complete their Free Application for Student Federal Aid (FAFSA), but they don’t have to do it alone.

The Bay Area Community Foundation serves individuals in the Great Lakes Bay Region who are applying or returning to a college or university.

It opened the College Access Network a year and a half ago.

Eileen Curtis, president and CEO of the foundation, said that it works with students in high school, current college students and adults returning to college.

“The goal of the College Access Network is to assist students to break down the barrier of applying and filing for FAFSA,” she said.

Through the College Access Network, the Resource Center was created.
Curtis … Read More…

January 30, 2012 | Permalink