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Open-minded advice: While controversy over gay rights continues, student counseling centers try to remain neutral in their assistance

In 2009, Julea Ward, a graduate student at Eastern Michigan University, was removed from the counseling program after her refusal to counsel gay, lesbian or bisexual students about same-sex relationship problems.

Believing her dismissal from the program was a violation of her First Amendment rights, Ward sued EMU.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students at Saginaw Valley need not worry about being turned away by counselors, said Jennifer Ordway, director of the student counseling center.

“Our staff is very open-minded and non-judgmental,” Ordway said. “I think it would take a lot to turn a student down.”

Ordway explained that if a counselor is not comfortable dealing with a certain case, it would be transferred to another counselor.… Read More…

October 31, 2011 | Permalink

Class brings fresh perspective to businesses

During the last 19 years, more than $180,000 has been paid out by clients for services rendered by Gary Clark’s marketing classes.

Clark, who has been teaching for more than 40 years, said that he likes his students to prepare themselves for future employment by doing rather than seeing.

“There’s a Chinese proverb that says, ‘I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand,’” he said. “They are doing an advertising campaign. They won‘t forget it.”

Clark is teaching three marketing classes this year involved in these projects. Each class supports a different client.

The clients for this semester are Mike Crawford, a wedding DJ; Tri-Cap, a Saginaw-based corrections facility; and Mortgage Utopia.

On … Read More…

October 31, 2011 | Permalink

English majors have the “write” stuff

Those pursuing an undergraduate degree in English literature might feel like their only option is teaching.

The University English faculty doesn’t agree.

As English literature majors, students develop core skills that can assist them in careers not only in teaching, but also in law, creative writing, public relations specialists and library sciences.

Basil Clark, professor of English, said that students in the program learn skills that help them in other areas of study as a graduate student or during the job search after obtaining an undergraduate degree.

“It is an excellent pre-professional major for communication, law, personal work and working for human resources,” he said.

Elizabeth Rich, professor of English and the English department chair, said that English majors have … Read More…

October 31, 2011 | Permalink

Renna-sance man: a day in the life of a history professor

The daily routine of a professor involves demanding tasks.

Thomas Renna, professor of history, makes as much use of the day as he can.

Personal health is important to him. He starts every day by taking a three-mile run at 8:15.

Photo courtesy of Dana Droes

History professor Thomas Renna spends time with writing and research.

Academically, Renna said that he always tries to emphasize healthy study habits in class, especially for incoming freshmen who have not yet experienced a college workload.

Renna has morning, afternoon and night classes consistently throughout the whole week.

“In general, on Sunday through Thursday, I work on class preparation and other professorial obligations like committee meetings,” he said.

“Right now I’m teaching five courses, … Read More…

October 31, 2011 | Permalink

Strickland promotes new version of public education

A National Center for Arts and Technology could appear in Saginaw if others help Bill Strickland in his efforts toward making a positive social change.

Bill Strickland said that to keep the country running, it is his lifetime goal to open 200 of these centers across the world, 100 in the U.S. and 100 internationally.

Vanguard photo | Tyler Bradley

Bill Strickland, CEO of Manchester Bidwell Corp. spoke last Tuesday about the National Center for Arts and Technology that may be built in Saginaw. Strickland has recently invested $1 million for high-risk students to have a post-secondary education.

Five of these currently exist, including one in Grand Rapids.

He spoke about this and his efforts in creating them last week.… Read More…

October 31, 2011 | Permalink


The splatter of paint on T-shirts, the sound of compressed air discharged through the barrel of a high-powered paintball gun, and the occasional welts and turf burn can be expected of most paintball clubs.

But the SVSU paintball club says it has more than that to offer.

The club meets at 9 p.m. every Monday in the Wedge Lounge.

Members have restructured the club to ensure success. The hard work has brought them closer; they pride themselves on their diversity.

“The team is like a family,” said Joey Wisniewski, business junior. “They are people you can hang out with even outside the club.”

Wisniewski has been playing paintball for eight years, two of those years for the SVSU team.

“Paintball … Read More…

October 31, 2011 | Permalink

Psychology: brains studying brains

The brain, a three-pound organ, offers psychology majors the chance to learn how it controls intelligence, senses and body movement.

The psychology program offers opportunities for research and professional skills often not found in other programs.

Psychological assessment, interviewing and fieldwork are offered to students so they may get a more practical understanding of the major.

“The psychology major should be pretty simple (because) most prerequisites for the course should be already completed, such as the prerequisite for statistics which is intermediate algebra. This major is pretty open for most students,” said Larry Hatcher, professor of psychology.

Besides the courses required in the major, additional courses may be taken depending on a student’s interest, such as the teaching of psychology … Read More…

October 31, 2011 | Permalink

Motion for SA representative removal defeated 13 to 11

The Student Association (SA) meeting on Monday, Oct. 24, featured committee report findings on the formation of the new alcohol policy and three other resolutions, including Representative Dan Chapman’s performance review.

The ad-hoc committee created to study the formation of the alcohol policy reported its findings that the committee that formed the policy had inadequate student representation. It also found that some of the members had conflicts of interest and that the students on the committee did not seek any further input from other students.

Jeremy Jones, the committee chair, gave the presentation and also put forth some solutions to address the problems. On behalf of the committee, he suggested that any member of Student Association who serves on a … Read More…

October 31, 2011 | Permalink

Hot team continues winning ways

Call 9-1-1: The Cardinals are on fire.

The SVSU club hockey team continued its hot start with a 5-2 win over Northwood on Friday night at the Saginaw Bay Ice Arena.

Vanguard photo | Lisa Coffell

Costume-clad students cheer for their team during Friday night’s 5-2 win over Northwood. Fans who came to the game in Halloween costumes received a discounted admission price.

With a 9-1-1 record, SVSU is in third place in the American Collegiate Hockey Association’s North division.

While the score was close throughout Friday’s game, SVSU took the lead early and didn’t let Northwood tie again.

SVSU started off the night strong when senior forward Ben Welch put the puck in the back of the net with … Read More…

October 31, 2011 | Permalink

Top-seeded GLIAC champs to host conference tournament

For the first time in school history, the Cardinals are the regular season GLIAC champions – but they don’t plan on stopping there.

SVSU wrapped up its regular season Saturday with a 2-1 non-conference win over Malone, and the team’s first place finish earned it the top seed and home field advantage in this weekend’s conference tournament.

“This was our first goal for this year, and we feel good about it,” said head coach Cale Wassermann. “Home field advantage for the conference tournament is big; we get to play in front of our own fans, get all of our parents and students and fans at the game.”

The top four teams from the regular season qualify for the GLIAC Championships. … Read More…

October 31, 2011 | Permalink